NRA Gun Safety Rules

1. Always Keep the Gun Pointed in a Safe Direction

  • The gun should not harm any person or destroy valuable property if it discharges.
  • Always ensure careful attention to muzzle direction when handling a firearm.
  • When carrying a firearm, the best way to control the muzzle is to keep it in your view.
  • Be aware of what objects can stop a bullet, and what objects cannot. In NRA courses and on shooting ranges, the instructor or range officer will explain and point out safe directions.

2. Always Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger Until Ready to Shoot

  • Guns do not discharge under normal conditions unless the trigger is pulled.
  • When holding or manipulating a gun, hold the grip firmly and place the trigger finger along the frame or receiver, not inside the trigger guard.

3. Always Keep the Gun Unloaded Until Ready to Use

  • Guns cannot discharge unless they are loaded with live ammunition.
  • Guns not in use but not stored should have the action locked open, allowing anyone to inspect the chamber and magazine for live ammunition.
  • When handing a gun to another person, lock open the action (if possible) and check the chamber and magazine by sight and feel to ensure no live ammunition is present. The person receiving the gun should also check.

Safety is the primary goal.
Conscientious attention to these rules will prevent most, if not all, gun accidents. Ignorance and carelessness lead to accidents in all walks of life, including the handling of firearms.